Mittwoch, 2. Dezember 2015

Christmas Calendars - Competitions and Prize Draws - Part 2

Copyright: FranziskaL
Welcome back - and a happy 2nd December 2015.
I loved my first and second day of the L'OCCITANE en Provence Christmas Calendar. It is an amazing and calory-savyy way to kick off the christmas time and count the days.
No chocolate calendar for me this year - instead soft hands and nice scents. Hmm what a great thing.

In addition to this I am still surfing the web for some great prize draws and calendars.
Here are some more I found in the www:

As soon as I got more - I will let you know.
Good luck.

Miss Xmas

Dienstag, 1. Dezember 2015

Christmas Calendars - Competitions and Prize Draws

Copyright: FranziskaL
Each year there are thousands of Christmas Calendar prize draws all across the World Wide Web.
I had reasonable luck in the last years and love entering the draws. Yes, ok - they get your data and everything, but honestly: Do you think they wouldn't be able to get them anyhow?
But I drift off topic. So, here I would like to present to you some links to Christmas Calendars (in German) that are fantastic...

Then there are a couple of companies not doing calendars, but competitions.

There are plenty more in the web and I will keep posting more of them - cause I think it is a fun way to test your luck.